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Poom Prommachart, Thailand

Poom Prommachart, a Steinway Artist. He has been praised by a great pianist Dang Thai Son. “Poom ‘s artistry and musical personality have the rare power to put a magical spell on audiences . He contributes  an important artistic value to the  “rising dragon “ Thailand.”

He has completed his bachelor of Music degree, Master of Music degree and Artist Diploma at the Royal College of Music, London (RCM) in 2014 on full scholarship, sponsored by H.R.H Princess Galyani Vadhana of Thailand and the RCM. During his time in London, he won the most prestigious Tagore Gold Medal which was presented by His Royal Highness the prince of Wales upon graduation. Mr. Prommachart is based in Montréal , Canada and completing his Doctorate of Music under the tutelage of Prof.  Dang Thai Son at the Université de Montréal, Canada.


Mr. Prommachart international performing career has started when he won the First Prize in the Fifth Isidor Bajic International Piano Competition, Serbia in 2010. Followed by continued success of winning the First Prize in Sussex International Piano Competition in 2013. The distinguished orchestras he has recently worked with include Montevideo Philharmonic Orchestra, London Musician Symphony Orchestra, Timisoara Philharmonic Orchestra, Eailing Symphony Orchestra, National Symphony Orchestra of Serbia, Worthing Symphony Orchestra, Vojvodina Symphony Orchestra, Royal Bangkok Symphony Orchestra, World Doctors Orchestra and Philippines Philharmonic Orchestra. His recent major concert engagements included piano recitals at Rachmaninoff Hall in Moscow, Belgrade Kolarac Hall in Serbia, Seoul Arts Center in Seoul and Busan, South Korea, Esplanade Hall in Singapore, South Bank and Royal Albert Hall in the U.K., Music Festival Perugia in Italy, Joseph-Woelfl-Gesellschaft Bonn in Germany, and Suntory Hall in Japan. He has already developed an international reputation of carrying rare expressive depth, and has been acclaimed by critics who praised him as “a young Ashkenazy” from Seen and Heard UK Concert Review after his performance of Prokofiev’s Piano Concerto No. 2 in G Minor with London Musician Symphony Orchestra in 2010. Moreover, The Straits Times, Singapore, applauded his performance that “Still in his late twenties, Poom Prommachart is Thailand’s most accomplished and decorated pianist.”

Most Recently, He won 1er prix and Prix de la Chapelle historique du Bon-Pasteur at OUM Concours De Concerto, Edition 2020 as well as the prestigious Orford Music Award Canada 2020.

Designed by Agnieszka Henel

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